Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Projects Fail

I think the main reasons why projects fail are: The team is unable to work togethere, poor management of the team, and underskills or was not trained in the correct activities and requirements need to be appart of the team. A team working able to work together is a big part to being able to get projects done. Think of being in a car where there are 5 stiring wheels. the driver wants to LaCross. The front seat passenger want to go Green Bay. The people in the back seat just want to go in their own direction. how far is this car going to go and will the drive ever make it to LaCross. probably not because because everyone will be fight to go in their own direction. this expamle can mold both poor management because the drive is suppost be in charge of the car and direct it where to go and a team that is unwilling to work togetheir. If one of those five drivers were not trained corectly they would probably crash the car. All of these problems also fall under the leaders responisibility also to make sure that the team is able to work togethere, that the team is being manage correctly, and that everyone was trained correctly/ the leader had the correct skills. So as long as their is one leader in the car and he has everyone doing what they are suppost to be doing like being a navigator, insteated of trying drive the car in a different direction of the leader, and the people in the back seats are managing the food and keeping the drive and other entertianted. the project "car" should get to where it was ment to go, from drives view point.

1 comment:

  1. i like your example here for why projects fail. I simply used the example in our case study and agree totally on your statement.
