Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What aspects of the workplace might motivate people's acceptance of change?

I am going to say that if the system does not work then people would be motivated to changed. when people build habit and are use to something it will be harder for them to chang. take the the nurses and doctors right now in the health care. the older nurses abd doctors don't like to switch to computers because of how use to the paper work and the old way of doing things. One way of maybe helping people acceptance of change is to talk to them about what they like about it and there dislikes about it. younger people are more open to change. One way to help people change would be to try and strike up their learning curiosities is always helpful. peopel could help others with change by peer to peer learning. change is always one of those hard things to accept for people. it is hard to say what aspect of the workplace might motivate people's acceptance of change because everyone is different.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How does the IT environment contribute to the success or lack of success in systems development processes?

I am pretty sure this question goes to every job. If a person also there work environment and there are little confrontations going on it. the worker should be able to be productive but you have to remember not everything is perfect. I believe that to keep an IT person happy in the office is to have it feel very comfortable and relax kind of and good motivational support. Have to every seen a person for has to sit in a four by four cube for 45-60 hours a week for 20 years. Nope because they have went insane and are in mental institution. People were not made to be in little areas for long amounts of time. People are roamers we want to go places, have a free feeling to us. Nobody wants to have a feeling like they are being chained down to some inescapable place where it is so boring. My view of a prefect work place would probably be I nice size conference room that is not bigger than class room. People who you can talk to when running into problems, plenty of windows, plenty colorful picture hanging on the wall. Now I am not the biggest person trying to make everyone feel extremely happy and puking up sunshine on other people in order to make them happy. I believe that is not possible for everyone to have a smile on their face 24-7 and be cheery and have a skip in there step plus that would get old for everyone. What you need is keep kind a changing the scenery around. a good environment is what keeps us programmers from slamming our heads on the desk when we get a problem that we can solve.

Why is user-centered development critical to successful systems development projects?

Ask yourself this question when you are going to be building a system. What is going to happen to this project when we get done with it? well hopefully you answered the question like this: "hopefully it will get used by the users and not just thrown away and was a waste of my time build that system." I would love to also relate the system builder to actors right now. who do actors put on a show for? for the people. who do system builders build systems for? the users. so they go hand in hand. what happens if you do not build a systems centered around users. well most likely it will not have the all the functionality that they want. it will not be simple to them. and they will find their own way of getting the work done by reverting back to an old way which would results in a lost of resources spent on a system that does not work correctly. building a system centered around users also help you on how simple the system has to be and what all is required. again it is a commutation thing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Internal politics

Internal politics effect the project all the time. There many ways to get a job and tons of diferent ways to view problems in the world. take farming for example. every farm milks a cow differently. someone poeple in my home town still milk the same as what they did back when they were 12 or 13 years old. some people have upgraded the way how they milked. quickly think of away to get to 100 using two or more numbers. will it be the same way as one of your classmates probably not. That is why leadership is needed for a project to help solve the internal politics factors when deciding the goal of the project, how the project is going to get done, what is required for the project to done, and make sure the project is done correctly. You have to remember that everyone is going to have a different view point on what is the correct path to go to get the project done correctly. Every farmer has different ways of getting the milk out of the cow you just have to ask your self what you think is the most effect and correct way. internal politics also just help with raising question that ask are we doing this project correctly?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Projects Fail

I think the main reasons why projects fail are: The team is unable to work togethere, poor management of the team, and underskills or was not trained in the correct activities and requirements need to be appart of the team. A team working able to work together is a big part to being able to get projects done. Think of being in a car where there are 5 stiring wheels. the driver wants to LaCross. The front seat passenger want to go Green Bay. The people in the back seat just want to go in their own direction. how far is this car going to go and will the drive ever make it to LaCross. probably not because because everyone will be fight to go in their own direction. this expamle can mold both poor management because the drive is suppost be in charge of the car and direct it where to go and a team that is unwilling to work togetheir. If one of those five drivers were not trained corectly they would probably crash the car. All of these problems also fall under the leaders responisibility also to make sure that the team is able to work togethere, that the team is being manage correctly, and that everyone was trained correctly/ the leader had the correct skills. So as long as their is one leader in the car and he has everyone doing what they are suppost to be doing like being a navigator, insteated of trying drive the car in a different direction of the leader, and the people in the back seats are managing the food and keeping the drive and other entertianted. the project "car" should get to where it was ment to go, from drives view point.